The Students’ Union

The Students’ Union

The primary objective of every business process in AASTU is to meet the University’s target of developing the student welfare system for the attainment of academic excellence, full engagement in innovative and creative activities, high completion rate, and all-round education. The students’ union is established to actively and proactively involve and assist the university’s moving business process. They represent the whole student community, and they are the voices of the same. Watched, monitored and assisted by the students’ house of speakers, the autonomous executive members of the students’ union represent dinning services affairs, sport and recreation affairs, general services affairs, women affairs, special needs affairs, academic affairs, financial affairs, Audit affair, health affair, clubs and associations’ affairs, charity affairs, disciplines affairs, and communications affairs in the university. Any student has the right to elect and be elected as member of the students’ union every two year. The election process is purely academic, fair, democratic and procedural. While you stay in the union, you can exercise real life and acquire skills of leadership, innovation, creativity, communication, volunteerism, and entrepreneurship.

Duties and Responsibilities:

    • Plan, organize, coordinate and control all activities pertinent to non-academic student affairs;

    • Develop guidelines and working procedures on student affairs policies and procedures including: Guidance & Counseling, student Disciplinary Case Management, Sport & Club Management and Recreation, dormitory, cafeteria;

    • Develop effective and efficient student affairs provision methods and ensure their proper implementation;

    • Develop automated comprehensive student affairs information system and ensure its proper utilization;

    • Advise all bodies concerned on the efficient and effective handling of student service tasks;

    • Ensure that student affairs management related decisions given at each level under the University are consistent with pertinent policies and regulations of the University;

    • Develop student affairs management and administration related strategies and operational plans and follow up on their implementation on approval;

    • Develop schemes for effective personnel management strategies to include conducting meaningful staff evaluations and employing documentation practices that encourage professional growth.

    • Advise University higher officials on student affairs related matters;

    • Monitor student behavior in all areas of campus by being visible and available; Serve as the Campus Discipline Officer.

    • Advise students on non-academic matters and provide Guidance & Counseling, Disciplinary Case Management, Sports & Club Management and Recreation;

    • Work in cooperation with work units concerned with the welfare of students;

    • Ensure that goods and services needed for the facilitation and execution of student affairs are procured in time and within budget and recommend payments;

    • Implement all disciplinary decisions made by the academic units which are entitled to look into student disciplinary cases;

    • Give the necessary support to strengthen the Student Union;