





Message from Vice President for Academic Affairs

Kemal Ibrahim

Vice-President Of Academic Affairs


Office Email:

Phone Number:- +251929928592

Welcome to the website of AASTU . We are pleased to provide you with information about the duties and responsibilities of the Vice President for the Academic Affairs (VPAA) at our esteemed institution. The VPAA of AASTU holds a significant role in leading and overseeing various colleges and directorates within the university. Their responsibilities include:

  1. College of Engineering, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, and College of Social Sciences and Humanities:

    • Overseeing the overall management and development of academic programs, faculty, and research activities in their respective colleges.

    • Ensuring the delivery of high-quality education in disciplines and related fields by providing strategic leadership and support.

    • Providing leadership and guidance to ensure the academic programs, faculty, and research activities are effectively managed , developed and delivered

  1. Post-graduate School: Managing and developing post-graduate programs, including research-based PG programs that aligned with Center of Excellence, and supporting graduate students in their research endeavors.

  2. Registrar and Alumni Directorate: Overseeing student records, academic registration, and related administrative tasks, while also maintaining connections with former students through the Alumni Directorate.

  3. Quality Assurance Directorate: Leading to ensure that academic programs and services meet the highest standards of quality through policy development, evaluation, and improvement initiatives.

  4. Library Service Directorate : Providing strategic direction and leadership to the university library service, including managing resources, enhancing digital access to academic materials, and promoting information literacy.

  5. Academic Program Directorate: Overseeing the development and review of undergraduate academic programs across different faculties, including curriculum design, program assessment, and alignment with industry needs, managing and leading in administrating national examinations

  6. Continuing Education Program Directorate: Planning and implementing continuing education programs, including professional development courses and short-term training initiatives, to meet the needs of working professionals and promote lifelong learning.

  7. Special Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs: Assisting in the coordination and implementation of academic programs, collaborating with faculty, staff, and stakeholders to facilitate effective communication and promote academic initiatives, assisting in the development and revision of policies and procedures pertaining to academic programs and student success, supporting the Vice President in fostering relationships with external partners and providing assistance in managing budgets and resources allocated to academic affairs

The Academic Affairs Vice President plays a crucial role in ensuring the overall quality, development, and effective management of academic programs and services at AASTU.

For more detailed information about our institution and the specific responsibilities of the Academic Affairs Vice President, please explore our website further or contact us directly.

Thank you for visiting AASTU’s website.

Academic Affairs Vice President